Electric Scooter Helmets: What You Need to Know

Helmets are a crucial part of safety gear for electric scooter riders, providing essential protection against head injuries, which can range from mild concussions to traumatic brain injuries with potentially fatal consequences. The majority of electric scooter injuries that lead to emergency room visits involve head trauma, often because riders were not wearing helmets. This underscores the importance of wearing a helmet every time one rides an electric scooter.

When choosing a helmet, it’s important to consider the specific needs of electric scooter riding. There are various types of helmets available, including folding electric scooter helmets, skateboard helmets, road bike helmets, and full-face motorcycle helmets, each designed for different riding conditions and speeds. The helmet must fit properly to offer adequate protection, which is why it is recommended to get fitted at a specialized shop. Additionally, riders should be aware of helmet safety certifications to ensure they are purchasing a helmet that meets established safety standards.

The level of protection needed depends on the rider’s speed and riding conditions. For speeds under 20 mph and low-traffic environments, a folding helmet, skateboard helmet, or regular bike helmet may suffice. However, for higher speeds, off-road riding, or frequent riding in traffic, a downhill mountain bike helmet, BMX helmet, or a full-face motorcycle helmet with a visor is advisable for maximum protection. Full-face helmets offer the added benefits of shielding against weather elements and road debris.

In conclusion, all electric scooter riders should wear helmets to protect against head injuries. The type of helmet needed varies based on the riding conditions and speed, with full-face helmets providing the highest level of protection. For more information on electric scooter safety and how to prevent common accidents, riders can refer to resources such as the ultimate guide to electric scooter safety.

Key Takeaways:

  • Wearing a helmet is crucial for electric scooter riders to prevent head injuries and potentially fatal traumatic brain injuries.
  • Helmets for electric scooter riders should be properly fitted and meet established safety standards to ensure effective protection.
  • The level of helmet protection needed varies with riding conditions, with full-face helmets recommended for high-speed or hazardous environments.

“Helmets save lives. They are an essential part of electric scooter safety gear. Even if we consider ourselves expert riders who never make mistakes, we can’t control what everyone around us does. We need to ride defensively, wear visible, protective gear, and especially, protect our heads.”

More details: here


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